Loving Father

I recently became a mom. I have always wanted to have children and the desire to have a child became stronger and stronger once I passed 30. I found it marvelous that during pregnancy we are able to love someone so tiny, whom we haven't even met yet.

Once I was able to meet him I was delighted with joy. And now he is my most precious. No diamond, no money, no house, nothing in this world can compare how much he means to me. I miss my baby as soon as I am away to run some errands.

This parental love is very new for me and I started to think about God's love for us again. In 1 John 4, Vers 10 the Bible says “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”

We were created in the image of God and we have the capability for such strong love toward our children. Imgaine how much more must God love us, than we would ever be able to, that he has sent his only son, to die for us and by this redeeming us from evil?! We cannot understand the depth of God's love for his son, but he did not spare him. And Jesus willingly layed down his life for you and for me. This shows that God's love toward us is not a theoretical concept. Jesus died for us. The ultimate act of love. Imagine how strong God's longing for you is, that he has sent his only son to redeem you. So he can be in a relationship with you.

One more thought: God created us as human beings, not human doings. So we are able just to be ourselves around him.
I must say seeing my boy laughing with joy and cuddling with me, when he needs comfort or how he fully trusts me is astounding and brings me great joy. He recently started to dance and sing. It is the cutest thing how he is just happy being himself and exploring the world.

Imagine if we would act like that toward God. Completely trusting him in all areas in our lives, and involving him. Sharing with him our thoughts and seeking him out first when we are for example in a decision making process. And just being ourselves around him, laughing, singing, exploring the world, and doing whatever we enjoy doing and giving him the glory. For he has equipped you with a drawing talent, for he is the one that gave you the talent for sports, or whatever you are naturally good at. And what do you think will happen when you are yourself around God? When you open up all the hidden doors in your heart and let his healing love inside?

When I started to do that I experienced a deep sense of peace, comfort, joy and lightness. As well as a deep sense of being home. I pray that you do too!


Love your neighbor


Love lasts forever