Love that corrects

Now that our baby has turned into a wild toddler we are constantly correcting him. Stop spitting, stop throwing food, stop hitting the dog. We tell him, that when he hits the dog, the dog is hurt and she does not like that, but she likes to be petted. So we are trying to bring him back on the right tracks, by showing and explaining his behavior and its consequences.
Why do we do that? I think you know the answer. Because we love him.

And God does the same when it comes to us, out of his perfect love for us. Just recently it became clear to me that God corrected my behavior big time twice in my life. And I haven’t really noticed it until now, but now that God has unveiled this to me I feel so relieved, because both incidents were something that bothered me. Sure they bothered me, because it was uncomfortable to reallign my focus and to give up my treasures.

Jesus says in Matthew 6, verse 19-21: “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

And so God showed me where my heart was. Twice. Because obviously we have a patient and kind and loving God and a stubborn and thick-witted Franzi who needed a reminder.

The first treasure of mine was clothing. Over the years I collected items that were dear to my heart and kept them as little treasures. To not destroy them I barely wore them. Especially one pink hoodie I got from my cousin from California, I just really loved it.

When I started my studies in a different town, my stuff was moved by my family because I was still abroad for an internship. When I came back and sorted my things I had a feeling that something was off. And so after some time it became clear my roommate stole a whole lot of my clothes. And yes, the hoodie was gone and so was she.

The second time God corrected my treasures was some time later when I did an internship at a french luxury company. The pay was ok-ish, but I received a lot of products for free, which I considered as my earned pay and horded them as another treasure.

One day I came back home and found several products destroyed by the two kids who visited my parents (they were unattented for a short time). It felt like someone rampaged through my belongings, my treasure AGAIN!!! And it honestly kind of hurt.

God was showing me again where my heart was. It was connected to stuff. To worldy things that got destroyed and stolen.
Over the years I learned that everything is from God. All things belong to him, It was him in the first place who gave me that internship. Everything that I have is granted and given by God, because he is merciful and kind and he provides for my needs in abundance (Matthew 6, verse 26).

The bible says in Proverbs 3, 11-12: My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.

Looking back I am very grateful God corrected my behavior. Because he passionately loves me and he is jealous for me. He does not want to be second, he wants to be first and he wants us to fully and wholeheartedly trust him. Maybe it is uncomfortable in that moment, but I am sure God has only good for us in mind, for he is trustworthy and faithful and his mercy never ends.

So when you notice that God is continuously telling you to not put your trust into clothes, money, houses or anything else apart from him, then ask him for courage and faith so you will be able to fully trust him and putting him first with the help of the Holy Spirit. For me it was a process, and obviously I needed a reminder. But it was worth it. Because putting my trust in him brings God glory and honor and he delights in me. And I want him to. He is the source of my joy and peace for my heart. Since I stopped worrying about my stuff and “treasures” my heart is so much lighter. I know from experience that my God loves me and cares for me. His blessings are in abundance, he is the reliable and faithful. He is worth to be trusted.


Love that forgives


Love that transforms